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Notice of Possible Quorum of Town Board members in attendance at Village of Palmyra Meeting:   NOTICE OF POSSIBLE QUORUM OF TOWN OF PALMYRA BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE AT VILLAGE OF PALMYRA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING  The VILLAGE OF PALMYRA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE will hold a  meeting on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Palmyra Public Safety Building at 126 N. First Street, Palmyra, WI 53156.  Numerous subjects, including  discussion and possible action regarding  Village contribution to the costs of surveying the Airport Hangar property will be discussed and possibly acted upon (by the Village). It is possible that a quorum of Town of Palmyra Board members may be in attendance at this meeting.  The purpose of their attendance would be for information gathering purposes, and no Town of Palmyra Board action(s) will take place at this meeting. If there are any questions regarding Town Board attendance, please feel free to contact Palmyra Town Hall at 262-495-2049 or email:  [email protected].   Michele Smith, Clerk/Treasurer February 14, 2025 Town of Palmyra 262-495-2049           Website posting 2/14/25 – 10:30 am Public Notice cabinet posting 2/14/25 – 10:30 am Michele Smith

Question and Answer on Fire/EMS contract – 12/18/2021 and 12/22/2021

Q.  To the Town of Palmyra Board members and the Fire/EMS committee people.  In respect to the town board meeting re: fire/ems services and in reading the response to the question that was posed on this website, I now have more questions than before regarding the board and committee looking into other public/private options. Here are my questions:  What is the ISO rating of each of your other” options”? Are these “options” 5 driving miles or less from us constituents? Where are their water sources? What types of equipment is owned? Who owns them? Who maintains them? Where is this equipment stored? Is there 24/7 coverage? Who pays the personnel? How many full and part time personnel are employed at each of your “options”? Who pays for the training of said personnel? And the most important question I have is what is the average response time on a fire/ems call of each of your “options” to us constituents? Is the response time 4.5 minutes or less? As we all know, in the case of a medical emergency, such as heart attacks or strokes, seconds count and with structure fires, a fast response time can mean the difference between losing little or losing everything.

Q.  Could you please provide the ISO (Insurance Services Office) ratings for any options you are considering in lieu of the Palmyra Public Safety Department contract.

A.  At this point, the committee has not gathered all of the information you request.  The committee has begun by investigating the possibility and efficiency of splitting the Town into separate parts and joining districts which already serve our community via MABAS.   The committee has also considered the efficiency of becoming part of a single other district and providing space for emergency vehicles within the Town.  There has been no thought given to any service that does not provide 24/7 coverage.  As I am sure you are aware, many constituents in the Town do not currently receive 4.5 minute responses, nor does the Village claim that they do. 

Should the Town board wish the fire and ems committee to continue investigating options for service other than  service from the Village of Palmyra, the committee will continue doing so in 2022 and report that information to the Town board.    

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